Unlock Amazon's Hidden Treasure: 7 Brand Analytics Insights That Will Skyrocket Your Sales

Unlock Amazon's Hidden Treasure: 7 Brand Analytics Insights That Will Skyrocket Your Sales

Ever feel like you're stumbling in the dark when it comes to understanding your Amazon customers? You're not alone. With millions of sellers vying for attention, gaining a competitive edge can seem impossible. But what if you could peek behind the curtain and see exactly what makes your customers tick? That's where Amazon Brand Analytics comes in. In this blog, we'll uncover seven game-changing insights that could transform your Amazon business. Ready to unlock the treasure trove of data at your fingertips?

Let's dive in!

Amazon Brand Analytics is a powerful tool that provides sellers with valuable customer insights. But for many, it remains an untapped resource. Why? Because navigating through the sea of data can be overwhelming. However, mastering this tool can be the difference between merely surviving and thriving on Amazon. So, what exactly can Brand Analytics tell you? And how can you use these insights to boost your sales? Let's break it down.

7 Game-Changing Amazon Brand Analytics Insights

Search Term Performance

Ever wonder what customers are actually typing to find products like yours? Brand Analytics reveals:

  • Top search terms for your products
  • Click-share and conversion-share for each term
  • Competitor performance for the same terms

Armed with this information, you can optimize your listings, target the right keywords, and outmaneuver your competition.

Market Basket Analysis

Want to know what products customers frequently buy together?

Market Basket Analysis shows:

  • Items commonly purchased with your products
  • Potential cross-sell and bundle opportunities
  • Insights into customer buying habits

This data can help you create irresistible product bundles and suggest complementary items, boosting your average order value.

Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior

Curious about which products customers are comparing yours to? This report reveals:

  • Products frequently viewed alongside yours
  • Items customers purchase instead of yours
  • Potential areas for product improvement

Use these insights to refine your offerings and position your products more effectively against competitors.


Understanding who your customers are is crucial. Brand Analytics provides:

  1. Age and income ranges of your customers
  2. Geographic distribution of your sales
  3. Education levels of your buyer base

This demographic data allows you to tailor your marketing and product development to your actual customer base.

Repeat Purchase Behavior

Want to know if customers are coming back for more? This report shows:

  • Percentage of repeat customers
  • Frequency of repeat purchases
  • Products with the highest repeat purchase rates

Use this data to identify your most loyal customers and products, and develop strategies to encourage repeat purchases.

Brand Loyalty

Curious about how loyal customers are to your brand versus competitors? Brand Loyalty insights reveal:

  • Your brand's loyalty score
  • Competitor loyalty scores
  • Opportunities to capture market share

This information can help you develop strategies to increase brand loyalty and attract customers from competitors.

Amazon Attribution

Want to know how your off-Amazon marketing efforts are performing? Amazon Attribution shows:

  • Performance of external marketing channels
  • Conversion rates from different sources
  • ROI of your marketing campaigns

Use these insights to optimize your marketing spend and focus on the channels that drive the most sales.